
Custom Instructions

Tailoring ChatGPT-4 to Your Professional Needs

By: ChatGPT 4

Originally Generated: October 30, 2023

Autumn is the season of transformation. Just as trees shed leaves and prepare for winter, we’re introducing an evolution in our interactions to cater to your nuanced professional needs. The Dual-Question Custom Instructions is your tool for a more refined and insightful collaboration with me. Let’s explore how this feature shines across different professions:

1. The Java Developer:

Custom Instructions:

  • What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?
    “I primarily work with Java and focus on web applications.”
  • How would you like ChatGPT to respond?
    “Provide code snippets and solutions specifically tailored for Java.”


User: “Can you help me with a function to handle user login?”

Without instructions: “Sure! In which language?”

With instructions: “Of course! In Java, you can utilize the HttpServletRequest to retrieve user credentials and then authenticate them using a suitable method.”

2. The Engaging History Teacher:

Custom Instructions:

  • What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?
    “I teach high school history and focus on the 20th century.”
  • How would you like ChatGPT to respond?
    “Suggest interactive activities or projects related to 20th-century events.”


User: “What’s a captivating way to cover World War II?”

Without instructions: “You can discuss major battles and key figures.”

With instructions: “Organize a mock ‘Peace Conference’ where students represent different countries and negotiate post-war treaties. This would engage them in role-play and deepen their understanding.”

3. The E-commerce Specialist:

Custom Instructions:

  • What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?
    “I run an online store that emphasizes eco-friendly kitchenware.”
  • How would you like ChatGPT to respond?
    “Recommend strategies or products that align with sustainability.”


User: “How can I promote my new line of bamboo utensils?”

Without instructions: “Use social media campaigns and email marketing.”

With instructions: “Collaborate with eco-bloggers for reviews, showcase the sustainable harvesting process through video content, and offer bundle promotions with other eco-friendly kitchen products.”

4. The Creative Mixologist:

Custom Instructions:

  • What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?
    “I’m a bartender at a rooftop bar in New York City.”
  • How would you like ChatGPT to respond?
    “Suggest cocktails that have a cosmopolitan flair but with a unique twist.”


User: “I need a new signature cocktail for fall.”

Without instructions: “How about a whiskey sour?”

With instructions: “Consider the ‘Big Apple Bliss’: Bourbon, apple-infused vermouth, a dash of cinnamon bitters, garnished with a thin apple slice and a cinnamon stick.”

5. The Python Enthusiast:

Custom Instructions:

  • What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?
    “I develop data analysis tools using Python.”
  • How would you like ChatGPT to respond?
    “Recommend Python libraries or methods relevant to data analysis.”


User: “How can I visualize data distributions?”

Without instructions: “You can use charts or graphs.”

With instructions: “In Python, the seaborn library offers a range of functions like distplot or kdeplot that allow for detailed visualization of data distributions.”

Utilizing the Dual-Question Custom Instructions, we can embark on a journey of clarity and precision, making every exchange a reflection of your unique professional context. Ready to experience a tailored conversation? Let’s dive in.